Church tech is something many congregations do not embrace enough. You must begin integrating these technologies into your place of worship if you want to:

  • Connect with new members
  • Cater to younger generations
  • Stay relevant in 2024 and beyond

If you’re finding it challenging to come up with ways that you can begin using the latest technology, follow the guide below.

Importance of New Technologies in the Church


Technology in the church was the focus of a recent report titled: 2024 State of Church Technology, and what was found was:

  • 45% didn’t feel confident in adopting tech solutions
  • 55% of churches spend less than 10% of their budget on tech

Church attendance is down, and if you’re missing some of the technological touchpoints necessary to be a forward-thinking church, you may lose members to other churches.

If you’re not sure where you can improve, consider the following:

Enhancing Worship Services

Church technology ideas that can instantly transform your worship are always a good go-to option for churches of all sizes.

Live Streaming Services

If you want to improve church attendance, live-streaming church tech should be at the top of your list of integrations. Studies show that 43% of people either attend or watch religious services online every month.

You may have members who

  • Can’t make it to church
  • Struggle with health issues
  • Can’t attend for other reasons

Live streaming can lead to higher in-person attendance and also keep members engaged. You can even ask for donations right through your technology platforms.

Digital Worship Aids

Following along with sermons can be difficult, and if someone does enter a live stream late, they may not know where to even begin. It’s a lot of work to “stay on track,” but it’s certainly not impossible with the help of digital worship aids.

Your congregation can help members with:

  • PDF guides that allow them to read along with the daily sermon
  • Links to digital readers and other tools people can use if they’re hearing- or visually impaired

If you’re not sure which digital worship aids to offer, be sure to reach out to your congregation and ask. A simple survey asking how you can better serve members may be all that you need to transform your church for the better.

Improving Communication

Integrating technologies in the church can also include improving communication. You have multiple options available, starting with:

Church Management Software

Computer software has evolved, and one of the most robust and complete ways of staying in communication with your members is through what is known as church management software.

You’ll find dozens of all-in-one solutions that offer:

  • Event registration
  • Attendance scheduling
  • Workshop and team planning
  • Apps and websites
  • So much more

If you want to use an all-in-one solution for all of your church management needs, you need to start using management software.

Social Media Engagement

Church tech that you can begin using right now also includes social media engagement. You should be on platforms such as Facebook and have your own group and page where members can remain connected online.

Facilitating Online Giving


Technology can make it easier and more convenient for churches to facilitate online giving. In addition to in-person donations, technology gives members more options to contribute through digital and mobile channels.

Digital Donation Platforms

Digital donation platforms allow members of the congregation and other members of the community to make donations online.

Online options make donating a more accessible and convenient option. They can also be a viable option for churches looking to raise funds for specific projects or needs.

If you need to raise funds to purchase new church chairs, for example, digital donation platforms make it easier and more convenient for members to contribute.

Mobile Giving Solutions

Technology in the church isn’t limited to cloud-based and PC-based solutions. Mobile giving solutions make it even easier for members to give.

These mobile apps allow users to make contributions right from their smartphones.

Enhancing Community and Outreach

Churches can also leverage technology to enhance their outreach and involvement in the local community.

Online Small Groups and Bible Studies

There are many technologies for worship that are designed to help churches create small online groups for Bible study.

Online options give church members more options to participate in a way that is familiar and convenient for them. Maybe some members are unable to participate in Bible studies at the church due to work and life engagements. Offering online options allows these members to participate in a way that works with their schedule.

These studies can come in many forms, from online discussions to live streams.

Community Service Apps

Church and technology can work together to help make the community a better place. For example, churches can use community service apps to manage volunteers and schedule personnel for community-related events. These apps can help keep things organized and allow churches to use their most precious resource (volunteers) more wisely.

Emerging Technologies in Churches


Churches across the globe are adopting new technologies to enhance their services and fellowship among members. There are many emerging technologies on the horizon that will bring exciting changes to churches, including:

Virtual Reality (VR) Worship

Church tech today focuses primarily on live streaming and improving communication. In the future, we may see more churchgoers participating in VR worship.

VR creates a more realistic virtual experience, allowing members to feel as if they are actually in the room.

Some churches are already experimenting with this technology and hosting services in the Metaverse.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Ministry

The rise of AI can also benefit churches, particularly in the administrative department. In fact, some pastors are already leveraging the power of AI to assist with:

  • Marketing tasks, like posting on social media and creating graphics
  • Transcribing sermons
  • Translating ancient texts to make them more relatable to today’s congregations

Although AI provides many advantages and can certainly save churches time, it should be adopted with caution. AI is still an emerging technology and should be used responsibly.

These are just a few emerging technologies that churches are adopting. As technology continues to evolve, it will only continue to enhance the church-going experience for both pastors and members of the congregation.